September Writing Goals

It's been a hard month of writing, y'all. Even with my semester being back in full swing, I'm barely scraping by. I had planned on finishing my YA Suburban Fantasy by August (then by mid-August, then by the end of August...) and that hasn't happened yet. I've been dealing with constant Depression Sessions and it's … Continue reading September Writing Goals

Starfish ★★★★☆

It's always rare for me to pick up a contemporary book and love it. The last one that did that was They Both Die at the End earlier this month and that one made me sob. Starfish was emotional for different reasons. Kiko Himura has always had a hard time saying exactly what she’s thinking. With … Continue reading Starfish ★★★★☆

They Both Die at the End ★★★★★

Holy mother of feels, y'all. I was warned this one had a lot of heart-smashing, toe-curling feels to dish out, and even thought I knew what was going to happen (because, regardless of how hard you hope, the title tells you everything you need to know about the ending) I still cried like a baby. On … Continue reading They Both Die at the End ★★★★★